Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Calendar Progress

Hello friends and followers, as I announced roughly two months ago I have been working on a cosplay calendar as a promotional fund raising item for Harbour Con-Fusion 2013. I am happy to announce that pre-orders will begin soon for this exclusive item. 

All proceeds from the sales will go to Harbour Con-Fusion to support the cost of the 2013 convention, the convention in turn donates it's proceed

s to the Saint John SPCA. This is a great cause which I fully support and more then happy to have an active hand in. I would like to address the amazing cosplay artists from across the province that have shared their kindness, skill and time as well as braving the elements in some cases. They also deserve you support as craftspeople and fans of our incredible hobby. I have greatly enjoyed working with these incredible people over the last few months.

I have a few shoots left to finish and then printing will begin. My hope is that this item stands as a testament too the strength of our "geek" culture here in New Brunswick, and my greater hope that you all rush to purchase and support our culture and good willed nature. Thank you everyone, I look forward to doing more of this work in the future.

- Larry M. Holder, Point of Light Productions

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